MAgic & Medicine

A Community In PracTice

Magic & Medicine is where the prophet, the intuitive, the witch, the wise-one - The Healers - alchemize their own experiences into medicine; first into medicine for themselves, then for the community journeying with them, and finally for others. In this space, you use your magic to become the apothecary that lives healed & nurtured by their own medicine while receiving Loving medicine from trusted others.

You are here because, first and foremost, you are a Healer.

You are the one who is seeking, finding, and practicing ways that move you and those around you towards Love, healing, wholeness, flourishing, community, and connection with all beings. You know the world is more expansive than we are often led to believe, that there is no scarcity in sharing what we have and who we are, and that healing happens best in connected, vulnerable community.

And that’s exactly what you’ve been looking for - for yourself.

You can help others and you have even helped yourself to a point. You’ve become aware that to deepen your own healing, you also need the deepening that only happens in connected, magical community where you can be seen, known, and held.

Welcome, Healer. I created the Magic & Medicine Collective for you.

This is where you can bring what is still hurting, the wound that is still tender, and be cared for.

This is the space where we bear witness to one another, and walk on a deeply intentional and Lovingly guided journey into depths of our own magic and medicine - together.

We will build trust between one another, between the element of Water - essential to all life and alchemy - and between us and the alchemy of our magic, becoming apothecaries to ourselves and others.

I’m your fellow Healer & Guide, Nya Abernathy.

Below are the details of Magic & Medicine and how to apply to the upcoming Practice Community.

MEet nya.

see the vision.

In this video, learn why Nya is holding this particular space and what you can expect in the process.

What is Magic & Medicine?

A practicing community group of 6 Healers seeking to be Alchemist & Apothecary in and of their own experiences and story.

We will actively connect and gather live over the course of 6 months. We will gather virtually or in-person (depending on the group) 1x per month for at least 1.5-2 hours. Between our live time, there will be opportunity to stay connected, engage embodied practice and meaningful ritual, and stay connected with Nya as well.

Additional support includes:

  • Two 1 on 1s with Nya

  • Intuitive, co-created card reading (Card Conversation)

  • Custom, intuited water-based item designed for you

Who is Magic & Medicine for?

Those who have found and embrace their own magic and also identify as a Healer. However you identify your magic, you seek to use it for goodness, healing, and to move in the creative, expansive, energy of Love. You are also ready to be in vulnerable and reciprocal community with other Healers with the same intention. In this community, you are ready to utilize your own magic to create the medicine for you and others that bring us into more whole relationship with one another and the greater natural world.

What is important in Magic & Medicine?

The Elements of our co-created space. These include:

  • Water

    • The life-giving, memory-laden, calling, nourishing, co-creative element and entity.

  • Your Experiences

    • The negative experience, words, beliefs from yourself or others towards you

  • Your Magic

    • All the gifts you've been given and ways you've been created that you are cultivating toward healing

  • Your Vulnerability

    • You show up agreeing to see and be seen, know and be known, wagering the risk of vulnerability is worth the depth of connection.

  • The Cauldron

    • The container where the water alchemizes your experiences.

  • Your Imagination

    • What you can see beyond your right now.

  • Time

    • Trusting the process.

How do we participate?

  • The Application - There are only 6 seats per Practice Community. You must complete the application in full to be considered.

  • The Cost: $1800 per participant. This can be paid in full or in six installments. Some scholarship is available.

  • It is imperative that you are able to come to each gathering. The journey is spacious with an ease-y cadence (not crammed with activity and work), but it is over the course of 6 months. The upcoming Practice community runs from June 6th-November 30th, 2024.