In Lupita Nyong'o's book Sulwe, Day and Night are sisters. Night is unappreciated and mistreated by people on Earth, so she leaves. Day pleads with her sister to return:
[W]hat I do know is that we need you just the way you are....We need the darkest night to get the deepest rest. We need you so that we can grow and dream and keep our secrets to ourselves.
Rest, growth, dreams, and secrets find a place to nestle and be nourished in darkness. Can our awe find its place there too? Moreso than a fearful respect, can darkness draw out admiring wonder from us the way light does? There is no rejuvenating rest, deepening of roots, or transformative dreaming without the presence of darkness. And while we don't understand all the mechanics of what happens in the dark, we know there isn't much that happens without it.
Be jaw-droppingly, wow-inducing inspired by the dark. We may find out its necessity is rivaled only by its sister, light.